Is your business acting or intending to act to prevent workers from getting exploited down your supply chain? If so, we’d love to hear from you!
This short poll (below) is to gather evidence about actions businesses are taking to prevent worker exploitation. It will help us formulate a checklist to help businesses act and document their actions for customers, business partners and investors.

Our pick of the top essential resources for your business toolkit
for operating across cultures and managing cross-cultural teams.
(Look out for Kindle versions so you can access them wherever you are!)
Global Dexterity
To successfully work across cultures, you need to overcome personal challenges to adapt your cultural mindset and behaviours while staying true to yourself. This practical, accessible book helps you to do this.
Andy Molinsky
HBR Press, MA 2013
The Culture Map
In our globalised world of work, we often fall into cultural traps that endanger careers and wreck deals. This resource provides a model for decoding cultural differences and practical advice for
overcoming them to succeed.
Erin Myer
Public Affairs USA 2014
When Teams Collide
To succeed in contemporary business, you need to effectively manage culturally diverse teams. This handbook guides you on how to bridge different values systems and attitudes to successfully manage teams across cultures.
Richard D. Lewis
Nicholas Brealey Intl., USA (2012)
Cross Cultural Competence
This practical, workshop-based program steps you through the process of gaining skills and implementing cultural adjustments that help you operate successfully across cultures and in global organisations.
S.L. Dolan & K. Kawamura
Emerald, UK 2015
Culture Crossing
If you feel you’re just one step away from a crash every time you interact with another culture, you’re not alone. This accessible, entertaining book helps you identify your own cultural ‘baggage’ and adjust your own expectations
and behaviours as needed.
Michael Landers
Berret-Koehler USA 2017
When Cultures Collide
Covering over 60 countries and every major region in the world, this classic handbook gives leaders and managers insights and strategies to understand cultural differences and manage more successfully across culturally diverse business environments and teams.
Richard D. Lewis
Nicholas Brealey Int., Boston 2010
The Cultural Intelligence Difference
Your ability to understand different perspectives and adjust behaviours can be the difference between success and failure in cross-culture teams, deals and projects. This resource tests your own CQ and provides guidance for improving it.
David Livermore
Amacom, NY 2011
A World of Difference
In a culturally complex world, cultural intelligence increasingly drives business performance and outcomes. This resource helps you learn to develop ‘CQ’ in yourself and across your workforce, so you can manage and lead more effectively across cultures.
Felicity Menzies
Major Street, Australia 2016
Cultures and Organisations
Cultures and Organisations remains the classic go-to book that examines the unexamined ‘software of the mind’ by which we instinctively think, feel and act, how national societies are built and how organisational cultures differ from national cultures. This resource is essential to any business toolkit.
Geerte Hofstede
McGraw Hill, USA (3rd ed.) 2010
Coaching Across Cultures
This essential international coaching tool explains professionals can develop the leadership necessary to achieve sustainable high performance in today’s global and culturally diverse environments. It integrates executive coaching practices with intercultural know-how and intercultural sensibilities.
Philippe Rosinski
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, UK 2011
Routledge Companion to Business Coaching
An effective coach helps business leaders make sense of challenges and complexities of international business. This handbook is the first to introduce the theory and practice of international business coaching, with practical tools to apply to coaching practice.
Michael Moral & Geoffrey Abbott
Routledge, Oxford 2011