by Anna Ridgway | Jan 1, 2017 | Adapting to change, blog, Global dexterity, globalisation, international business
Despite a ‘perfect storm’ of economic, social and geopolitical challenges in a changing world order, Japan is capable of finding solutions by being culturally authentic to itself. When considering Japan’s economic, social an geopolitical challenges, two...
by Anna Ridgway | May 8, 2016 | Adapting to change, blog, Developing trust, Global dexterity, Managing across cultures, Social commentary
In Australia, and other industrialised countries with strong shared cultural traits, there’s a consensus that these cultures have world’s best practice on how to ‘manage’ time. So why has time anxiety increased exponentially and why is feeding the time...
by Anna Ridgway | Apr 11, 2016 | Adapting to change, blog, Communicating across cultures, Global dexterity, Global teams, international business, Managing across cultures
After reading Lakoff and Johnson’s classic Metaphors We Live By, which describes how we use metaphors from our everyday experience to understand existing and new ideas and help flex and shape our thinking, I’ve been thinking of metaphors to describe...
by Anna Ridgway | Apr 7, 2016 | Adapting to change, blog, Developing trust, Global dexterity, Global teams, international business, Managing across cultures
Owww-w-w I’m so sore. Last night I had my first swim stroke correction classes and today I’m creaking around like a rusted-up sofa bed on legs. But only four more weeks of this mild torment and I’ll be over the magic divide. I’ll be one of...
by Anna Ridgway | Apr 21, 2015 | blog, Business goals, Communicating across cultures, Developing trust, Digital markets, Global dexterity, Marketing and social media, Social commentary
In this ‘digital trends around the world’ series, I’m sharing fascinating and useful insights into the world’s digital landscape, including how and why it’s evolved differently for different audiences and what this means for your business if...
by Anna Ridgway | Mar 23, 2015 | blog, Business goals, Communicating across cultures, Developing trust, Global dexterity, Marketing and social media, Social commentary
In this ‘websites around the world’ series, I’m sharing fascinating and useful insights into the kaleidescope of the world’s digital landscape, including how and why it’s evolved differently for different audiences. After exploring China and...